Oronite Connect® is a secured portal that offers helpful resources to our customers and distributors to support your business needs. The Chevron Oronite team is focused on continuous improvement and will soon release additional self-service features.
order information
your product integrity cases
industry insights
detailed product information
product data sheets (PDS)
safety data sheets (SDS)
training courses
ISO certificates
new to oronite connect
If you currently don’t have Oronite Connect access, please visit the customer registration page. After completing the customer registration, you will receive an email notification from noreply@okta.com with a username. You can activate your account and set up a password by following the link in the email. Please remember your username and password going forward because you will be asked for this information each time you log into Oronite Connect.
need help connecting
Questions or concerns about connecting to your Oronite Connect account can be directed to OROCRM@chevron.com for further assistance.