exceptional reliability

Chevron Oronite operates three world-class manufacturing plants in strategic locations around the globe and a new manufacturing plant in Ningbo China. We have smaller facilities in Mauá, Brazil and affiliated plants in India and Japan.  Our globally integrated supply chain complements our manufacturing flexibility to help ensure reliable supply of components and additives. Our global presence allows us to adapt our manufacturing and blending capacity to rapidly changing circumstances. 


Through close collaboration and constant communication with our partners around the world, we can optimize our manufacturing network and supply lines to help meet unexpected challenges. Our Operational Excellence Management System (OEMS) is how we systematically manage risk and help ensure safety, reliability, and integrity across all our processes, operations and stakeholders. 

ISO 14001 is the internationally-recognized standard that sets forth the requirements for an environmental management system. Our manufacturing facilities in Gonfreville, France; Mauá, Brazil; Omaezaki, Japan; Ningbo, China; and Singapore are ISO 14001 certified. Our Oak Point, Louisiana plant is RC 14001 certified. 


Our company's values drive us to produce our products responsibly while protecting the environment and conducting our business in an ethical,  socially responsible manner. We support universal human rights, and the health of the communities where we work. 


We believe the future of energy is lower carbon and are committed to addressing climate change while delivering the energy that enables human progress. To learn more about Chevron's approach and the actions being taken to help advance a lower carbon future, please visit one of the links below. 

sustainability at Oronite

Chevron Oronite supports Chevron’s contribution to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals with tangible improvements to our operations.

Another way Chevron Oronite demonstrates our commitment to sustainability is through the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14001 and the American Chemistry Council's Responsible Care® certifications.


ISO 14001 is the internationally-recognized standard that sets forth the requirements for an environmental management system. Under this standard, we address all environmental issues relevant to our operations and put processes in place to mitigate our impact. Our manufacturing facilities in Gonfreville, France; Mauá, Brazil; Oak Point, Louisiana; and Singapore are ISO 14001 certified. All other Chevron Oronite facilities have received an attestation for ISO 14001.

product stewardship at Oronite

Responsible Care® is a voluntary commitment by the global chemical industry to drive continuous improvement and achieve excellence in the performance of workforce health and safety, process safety, product safety, transportation safety, environmental stewardship, and security.  As a Responsible Care® company, Chevron Oronite, goes above and beyond government requirements and openly communicates our initiatives to the public.


Read more about product stewardship and the chemical health and safety information on our products > 

product quality

Chevron Oronite recognizes that delivering consistent, high-quality products is an important factor in being considered  reliable supplier. Our quality assurance and blend personnel work as a team to manage manufacturing capabilities and to anticipate customer requirements. Oronite's key components are manufactured in each of our world scale plants to strict process guidelines. Ensuring consistency across the globe helps us to ensure our products will perform as intended when the customer receives it.   

research and development

Good product integrity starts during research and development. We innovate products not only to meet the customer's performance requirements, but to adhere to high product quality standards.

change management

Our change management process ensures that each product we sell will perform as expected while we pursue continuous improvement of our processes for safety, efficiency and reliability.

product commercialization

During the commercialization process we make sure products not only meet or exceed industry-driven or OEM specifications, but are also rigorously tested for real world performance.

Chevron Oronite's facilities in Gonfreville, France; Mauá, Brazil; Omaezaki, Japan; Ningbo, China; Singapore; Oak Point, Louisiana; and Rotterdam, the Netherlands are certified to the ISO 9001 Quality Management System standard.


This website contains forward-looking statements relating to Oronite’s operations that are based on management’s current expectations, estimates and projections about the petroleum, chemicals and other energy-related industries. These statements are not guarantees of future conduct or policy and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond the company’s control, including government regulation and oil and gas prices. Chevron Oronite is a subsidiary of Chevron Corporation. See Chevron’s Forward-Looking Statements Warning on Page 59 of Chevron's 2023 Sustainability Report.