railroad & inland marine

Chevron Oronite is an established leader in railroad and inland marine additive technology platforms worldwide. We offer robust global support capabilities and products that meet severe operating conditions. The key to our strength is in product formulation, field testing, and strong OEM relationships. Our products have undergone millions of real-time operating hours in a variety of 2-stroke (2T) and 4-stroke (4T) locomotive engines, as well as on board coastal and inland marine vessels.
We continually advance our additive technology to address the lubrication needs of large diesel engines. Our additive packages help to increase utilization rates and the time between maintenance intervals. In addition, Chevron Oronite additives reduce liner and thrust washer wear, keep engines and oil filters cleaner, and extended oil life which helps reduce maintenance costs.
featured article

Learn about how railroad engine oil is adapting to a low-sulfur world.
dual fuel engine solutions
Dual fuel (DF) engines can operate using two different fuel sources. Power generation industries (e.g., ship propulsion, power plant, rail traction) are seeing significant growth in the use of dual fuel engines due to the increasing abundance of cost-effective natural gas.
Chevron Oronite’s current focus is on engines that can switch between low sulfur diesel (<500 ppm) and natural gas (e.g. LNG). To be effective, a hybrid lubricant designed for use in a dual fuel application must deliver a balance of critical performance attributes. Chevron Oronite has developed a new additive framework that addresses the specific challenges found in dual fuel applications.
featured products
OLOA® 42015 is a generation 7 advanced top tier additive solution for EPA tier 4 and older engine models.
OLOA® 40000 is a generation 6 top tier additive solution designed for EPA tier 3 and older engine models.
OLOA® 2000 is a generation 5 main tier additive solution designed for EPA tier 1+ and older engine models.
OLOA® 42508 is designed for engines that can switch between low sulfur diesel (<500 ppm) and natural gas (e.g. LNG).